Which rational number equals 0 point 1 with bar over 1?


just do the divisions and you will find that

1/9 = 0.11111...

hello doobs

To determine the rational number that equals 0.1 with a bar over 1, we need to convert the repeating decimal into a fraction.

Step 1: Let x = 0.1 with a bar over 1.

Step 2: Multiply both sides of the equation by 10 to eliminate the decimal: 10x = 1.1 with a bar over 1.

Step 3: Subtract the original equation (0.1 with a bar over 1) from the equation obtained in step 2 (1.1 with a bar over 1) to eliminate the repeating bar: 10x - x = 1.1 with a bar over 1 - 0.1 with a bar over 1.

Simplifying the equation:
9x = 1
x = 1/9

Therefore, the rational number that equals 0.1 with a bar over 1 is 1/9.