The volume of a cube is 343 inches squared. Find the area of one face (one square) of the cube. Hint: You will need to find the measure of one side of the cube.

This should say "The volume of a cube is 343 inches cubed"

if the side is s inches long, then
s^3 = 343
s = 7 inches
then one face has an area of 7^2 inches^2 or 49 square inches.

To find the area of one face of the cube, we first need to find the measure of one side of the cube. The volume of the cube is given as 343 inches squared.

The volume of a cube is calculated by multiplying the length of one side by itself twice, or by using the formula:

Volume = side^3

So, we can rewrite the equation as:

343 = side^3

Now, to find the measure of one side, we need to find the cube root of 343. The cube root is the number that, when multiplied by itself twice, gives 343.

Using a calculator or math software, we can determine that the cube root of 343 is 7.

Therefore, each side of the cube measures 7 inches.

Now, to find the area of one face or one square of the cube, we simply multiply the length of one side by itself:

Area = side^2
Area = 7^2
Area = 49 square inches

So, the area of one face or one square of the cube is 49 square inches.