Find the coordinates of the other endpoint of the​ segment, given its midpoint and one endpoint.​ midpoint - (-15,22) endpoint- (-8,15)

let the other endpoint be (x,y)

for the x:
( (x + (-8) )/2 = -15
x - 8 = -30
x = -22

find y in the same way

I still dont get it

this is my last question on my hw

ohhh nvm

To find the coordinates of the other endpoint of the segment, you can use the formula for the midpoint of a line segment, which states that the midpoint is the average of the coordinates of its endpoints:

Midpoint = ( (x1 + x2) / 2, (y1 + y2) / 2)

Let's solve the problem step by step:

Endpoint A coordinates: (-8, 15)
Midpoint coordinates: (-15, 22)

Step 1: Identify the known coordinates:
x1 = x-coordinate of endpoint A = -8
y1 = y-coordinate of endpoint A = 15

Step 2: Identify the coordinates to be found:
Endpoint B coordinates = (x2, y2)

Step 3: Use the midpoint formula to find the other endpoint coordinates:
(x2, y2) = ((-8 + x2) / 2, (15 + y2) / 2) = (-15, 22)

To solve for x2:
(-8 + x2) / 2 = -15
-8 + x2 = -15 * 2
-8 + x2 = -30
x2 = -30 + 8
x2 = -22

To solve for y2:
(15 + y2) / 2 = 22
15 + y2 = 22 * 2
15 + y2 = 44
y2 = 44 - 15
y2 = 29

Therefore, the coordinates of the other endpoint (Endpoint B) are (-22, 29).