Create an image depicting a classroom setting. The room should be filled with diverse students engaged in studying. In the foreground, show a Caucasian female teacher instructing the group. On one side, depict a group of students - a Black girl, a Hispanic boy, and a Middle-Eastern girl, deeply engrossed in studying sciences with molecules models, textbooks, and lab equipments around them. On the other side, illustrate another group of students - a South Asian boy, a White girl, and another Hispanic boy, working on complex mathematical problems with calculators, rulers, and notebooks. No text should be visible.

in a class, 156 students study science and mathematics.if they passed at least one subject and twice as many passed science as many passed mathematics and 75 passed in mathematics subjects, find how many passed in mathematics only.

The solution of the question

Can you work it for me, please

Please can you work it for me

Use a Venn diagram, showing two overlapping circles labelled M and S

From your data 75 passed Math and twice that many or 150 passed Science
Let x be the number who passed both
so after filling in the data on the Venn,
(75-x) + x + (150-x) = 156
x = 69

take it from there

My name is eugene



Yes of course.The number of people who study only mathematics is 6

Can you do it for me

To find the number of students who passed in mathematics only, we need to analyze the given information step by step.

Let's break down the information provided:

1. The total number of students in the class who study science and mathematics is 156.

2. We are told that at least one subject was passed by each student. This means that there are no students who failed both science and mathematics.

3. It is also given that twice as many students passed science as those who passed mathematics.

4. Lastly, we know that 75 students passed in the mathematics subject.

Now, let's proceed with finding the solution:

Let's assume the number of students who passed mathematics is represented by "x."

According to the given information, we know that twice as many students passed science as those who passed mathematics. Therefore, the number of students who passed science is 2x.

Since the total number of students who study science and mathematics is 156, we can set up an equation:

x + 2x = 156

This equation is derived from the fact that the total number of students who passed either science or mathematics must be equal to the total number of students (156).

Combining the x and 2x terms, we can simplify the equation:

3x = 156

To find the value of x, we divide both sides of the equation by 3:

x = 156/3
x = 52

So, the number of students who passed in mathematics only is 52.