Fill a glass 1/3 of the way with orange juice. Add ice cubes. Then slowly pour the sports drink over the ice until the glass is 5/6 full. There should be two distinct layers of liquid. Add chilled water over the ice to fill the remaining space. Add two to three mint leaves as a garnish, then enjoy this simple yet beautiful layered juice experience.

How many layers of liquid will the finished drink have?

a. Four
b. Two
c. Three
d. Five


To determine the number of layers of liquid in the finished drink, we need to follow the instructions given step-by-step.

1. Fill a glass 1/3 of the way with orange juice. This creates the first layer.

2. Add ice cubes to the glass. The ice cubes will mix with the orange juice, but they won't form a distinct layer on their own.

3. Slowly pour the sports drink over the ice until the glass is 5/6 full. This creates the second layer since the sports drink is a different liquid than the orange juice.

4. Add chilled water over the ice to fill the remaining space. The water will mix with the sports drink but won't form a distinct layer on its own.

Therefore, based on the given instructions, the finished drink will have two distinct layers of liquid.

Hence, the correct answer is b. Two.