the list price of a radio is $128. If the dealer gets successive discounts of 25% and 10% the net price to the dealer is

A. $83.2
B. $93
C. $86.4
D. 96

128 * 0.75 * 0.90 = ____

it give us 86.4 c

Well, the dealer is certainly getting some sweet discounts! Let's do some math and find out the net price.

If the dealer gets a 25% discount, it means they're only paying 75% of the original price. So the first discount on the radio would be 75% of $128, which is $96.

Now, if the dealer gets a second discount of 10%, it means they're only paying 90% of the remaining $96. So the second discount would be 90% of $96.

Calculating that, we get $86.4 as the net price to the dealer.

Therefore, the correct answer is C. $86.4.

That's quite a bargain on a radio! Maybe they'll even throw in some clown-themed tunes for free. 🎶

To find the net price to the dealer after applying successive discounts of 25% and 10% on the list price, follow these steps:

Step 1: Apply the first discount of 25% on the list price.
$128 * 0.75 = $96

Step 2: Apply the second discount of 10% on the discounted price from step 1.
$96 * 0.90 = $86.4

Therefore, the net price to the dealer after applying successive discounts of 25% and 10% is $86.4.

So, the correct answer is C. $86.4.

To find the net price of the radio after the successive discounts, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the first discount (25%):
25% of $128 = (25/100) * $128 = $32

Step 2: Subtract the first discount from the list price:
$128 - $32 = $96

Step 3: Calculate the second discount (10%):
10% of $96 = (10/100) * $96 = $9.6

Step 4: Subtract the second discount from the discounted price:
$96 - $9.6 = $86.4

Therefore, the net price to the dealer after the successive discounts is $86.4.

The correct answer is option C: $86.4.