A bowl contains 30eggs,6 of which are broken .If an egg is chosen at random ,what is the probability that it is not broken

thank you it helped me alot

To find the probability that an egg chosen at random is not broken, we need to divide the number of eggs that are not broken by the total number of eggs in the bowl.

The number of eggs that are not broken is equal to the total number of eggs minus the number of broken eggs.

Total number of eggs = 30
Number of broken eggs = 6

Therefore, the number of eggs that are not broken = 30 - 6 = 24

Now, to find the probability, we divide the number of eggs that are not broken by the total number of eggs:

Probability = Number of eggs that are not broken / Total number of eggs
= 24 / 30
= 4 / 5

So, the probability that an egg chosen at random is not broken is 4/5 or 80%.

30 - 6 =24 are not broken

so 24/30