The centripetal acceleration of an object moving along a circular path can be described by the following formula, where ac = centripetal acceleration, r = radius of the circular path, and t = time.

What is the equivalent equation solved for r?
a_c = 4(pi^2)r/t^2

r=ac t^2/4π^2

ac = 4(pi^2)r/t^2

(ac)(t^2) = 4π^2 r
r = (ac)(t^2)/(4π^2)

To solve for r, we can rearrange the given equation, which is:

ac = 4(pi^2)r/t^2

First, we can multiply both sides of the equation by t^2 to eliminate the denominator:

ac * t^2 = 4(pi^2)r

Next, we can divide both sides of the equation by 4(pi^2) to isolate r:

r = (ac * t^2) / (4(pi^2))

Therefore, the equivalent equation, solved for r, is:

r = (ac * t^2) / (4(pi^2))