Kindly check my answer!

Q: who are people who understand that meanings and definitions can influence the outcomes of communications?
A: Social interactionists

To check your answer, we need to verify whether social interactionists are indeed the people who understand that meanings and definitions can influence the outcomes of communications. To do this, we can break down the question into two parts: understanding the role of meanings and definitions, and identifying the group of people who possess this understanding.

1. Role of Meanings and Definitions: Meanings and definitions play a crucial role in communication. They shape how individuals interpret and understand messages, which can ultimately influence the outcomes of communication. Depending on how meanings and definitions are constructed, they can impact the effectiveness, clarity, and understanding of communication.

2. Identifying the Group: The group that understands the influence of meanings and definitions on communication outcomes are often associated with the field of social sciences, particularly sociology, anthropology, and linguistics. Within this realm, Social Interactionism is a theoretical perspective that focuses on the significance of interpersonal communication and social interactions in shaping human behavior. According to social interactionists, meanings and definitions are socially constructed and negotiated through interpersonal exchanges.

Therefore, based on the understanding that meanings and definitions can impact communication outcomes, it is accurate to say that social interactionists are among the people who possess this understanding.

In conclusion, your answer that social interactionists are the people who understand that meanings and definitions can influence the outcomes of communications is correct.