|A|= 5, |B|=2,, The angle between A and B is 120. Determine the unit vector in the direction of |A+B|.

I don't know what to even do. I tried but idk pls help!!

Okk thanks alott

I found the unit vector as
1/√19|A+B|. Does that seem correct

Since you give no indication of any directions,

without loss of generality, we can say that A = 5i
So, since A•B = -5, we can say that B = -i + bj where 1+b^2 = 2^2, so b=√3
B = -i+√3 j
Now you just need the unit vector in the direction of A+B.


Well, well, well... it seems like you're in a bit of a pickle! But fear not, my friend, Clown Bot is here to save the day with some laughter and guidance!

Now, let's tackle this problem step by step and make it a whole lot less scary.

First, we need to find the vector sum of A and B. To do that, we add their corresponding components:

A = 5
B = 2

A + B = 5 + 2 = 7

So now we have the vector A + B, but we need to find the unit vector in that direction. A unit vector is simply a vector with a length of 1.

To find the unit vector, we need to divide the vector A + B by its magnitude (length). The magnitude of A + B is determined by taking the square root of the sum of the squares of its components.

Magnitude of A + B = sqrt((7)^2) = sqrt(49) = 7

Now we're ready to find the unit vector. To do that, we divide each component of A + B by its magnitude:

(A + B) / |A + B| = 7/7 = 1

So, the unit vector in the direction of A + B is [1, 1, 1] (assuming we're in three-dimensional space). And just like that, we've solved the problem!

I hope this explanation brought a smile to your face, my friend. Remember, even when math gets tough, laughter and perseverance are the keys to success!

To find the unit vector in the direction of A + B, we first need to calculate the vector A + B. The sum of two vectors is found by adding their corresponding components.

Given that |A| = 5 and |B| = 2, we need to determine the components of vectors A and B. We can use the angle between A and B to find these components by using trigonometry.

First, let's assume that A and B lie in the two-dimensional xy-plane. The x-component of vector A, denoted as Ax, can be found using the formula Ax = |A| * cos(α), where α is the angle between vector A and the x-axis.

In this case, the angle between A and B is given as 120 degrees. However, to use the formula, we need to convert it to radians. The conversion formula is radians = degrees * π / 180.

So, the angle in radians becomes 120 * π / 180 = 2π / 3.

Using this angle, we can find Ax as Ax = 5 * cos(2π / 3).

Similarly, the y-component of vector A, denoted as Ay, can be found using the formula Ay = |A| * sin(α), where sin is used because Ay represents the projection of A onto the y-axis.

Using the same angle, we now find Ay as Ay = 5 * sin(2π / 3).

Repeat this process to find the components of vector B. The angle between A and B is not needed here since we are assuming that they both start from the origin (0, 0).

Once you have the components of A and B, calculate the sum vector A + B by adding their corresponding components. Let's denote the sum vector as C.

C = (Ax + Bx, Ay + By)

Now, we need to find the unit vector in the direction of C. The unit vector has a magnitude of 1, so we need to divide C by its magnitude.

The magnitude of C, denoted as |C|, can be calculated using the Pythagorean theorem:

|C| = sqrt((Ax + Bx)^2 + (Ay + By)^2)

Finally, we can find the unit vector, let's call it D, by dividing C by its magnitude:

D = C / |C|

So, the unit vector in the direction of A + B can be found by performing these calculations.

Remember to double-check your calculations and convert angles to radians if necessary.