An elevator began at the 14th floor and came down to the 3rd floor. Which integer best represents this change in location?


or 3-14 = -11 = 11 floors downward.

To find the change in location of the elevator, we need to subtract the starting floor from the ending floor.

Starting floor: 14
Ending floor: 3

Subtracting the ending floor from the starting floor:
14 - 3 = 11

Therefore, the change in location of the elevator is represented by the integer 11.

To find the change in location, we subtract the starting floor from the ending floor. The starting floor is the 14th floor (+14) and the ending floor is the 3rd floor (-3). To calculate the change in location, we subtract the 3rd floor from the 14th floor:

14 - 3 = 11

Therefore, the change in location is 11.