What is arable land?

territory in the disputed zone between Sudan and Darfur

a term for a nationalistic campaign to reclaim a homeland

soil that can be plowed and is suitable for crop cultivation

a fabled “promised land” that motivated early explorers

Correct Answer :)

Soil that can be plowed and is suitable for crop cultivation

land you can farm

Arable land refers to soil that can be plowed and is suitable for crop cultivation. It is land that has the necessary conditions, such as adequate drainage, proper pH level, and sufficient nutrients, to support the growth of various crops. Arable land is fertile and can be used for agricultural purposes, including growing crops for food production. It is important for sustaining agriculture and feeding populations.

To understand the meaning of arable land, it is important to know its definition and characteristics. A simple way to find this information is by using an internet search engine. By typing in "arable land definition" or "meaning of arable land," the search engine will provide several reliable sources, such as dictionaries or agricultural websites, that explain the term. These sources will clearly define arable land and provide additional insights into its importance and usage.