Sketch the prisms that make up this

skateboard ramp. Then calculate the
volume and surface area of the whole
skateboard ramp.Sketch the prisms that make up this
skateboard ramp. Then calculate the
volume and surface area of the whole
skateboard ramp.

kinda missing some information, eh?

If you know how to find the volume and area of a prism, though, it should not be too hard.


To sketch the prisms that make up the skateboard ramp, we would need a more detailed description or a diagram of the ramp. Without that information, it is difficult to provide an accurate sketch.

However, we can still calculate the volume and surface area of the skateboard ramp if we have certain measurements. Could you please provide the dimensions of the ramp?

To sketch the prisms that make up the skateboard ramp, first, we need to understand the shape and design of the ramp. Let's assume that the ramp is made up of rectangular prisms.

Typically, a skateboard ramp consists of multiple sections, including a flat platform, a transition section, and incline sections. Each of these sections can be represented as rectangular prisms.

To calculate the volume and surface area of the whole skateboard ramp, we need to calculate the volume and surface area of each individual prism and then add them together.

1. Start by sketching the flat platform section. Measure the length, width, and height of the platform to determine the dimensions of the rectangular prism.

2. Calculate the volume of the flat platform section by multiplying the length, width, and height together. The formula for volume is V = L * W * H, where V represents the volume, L represents the length, W represents the width, and H represents the height.

3. Calculate the surface area of the flat platform section by adding the area of each face of the rectangular prism. The formula for surface area is SA = 2LW + 2LH + 2WH, where SA represents the surface area, L represents the length, W represents the width, and H represents the height.

4. Repeat the steps for each section of the skateboard ramp, including the transition and incline sections. Sketch each section and measure the dimensions of the rectangular prisms for each section.

5. Once you have the volume and surface area of each section, add them together to find the total volume and surface area of the whole skateboard ramp.

Remember to use consistent units of measurement throughout your calculations.

Note: It's important to follow the specific design and dimensions of the skateboard ramp in question for accurate volume and surface area calculations.