Nick cut a loaf bread into 12 equal slices. His family ate some of the bread and now 5/12 of the loaf is left. Nigel wants to put each of the leftover slices in its own bag. How many bags does Nigel need?

12/12 - 5/12 = ___/12

oops. no math is required. I figured how many slices were eaten...

There were 12 slices, and 5 are left. So, 5 bags needed.

To find the number of bags Nigel needs, we first need to calculate how many slices of bread are left in total.

Given that 5/12 of the loaf is left, and the loaf was originally cut into 12 equal slices, we can find the number of slices left as follows:
5/12 of the loaf * 12 slices = (5/12) * 12 slices = 5 slices.

Thus, there are 5 slices of bread left.

Since Nigel wants to put each leftover slice in its own bag, he will need the same number of bags as the number of slices left.

Therefore, Nigel will need 5 bags.

To find out how many bags Nigel needs, we first need to determine how many slices are left. We know that 5/12 of the loaf is left, so we can calculate it by multiplying 5/12 by the total number of slices.

Total slices = 12
Slices left = 5/12 * 12 = 5 slices

Since Nigel wants to put each leftover slice in its own bag, he will need the same number of bags as the number of slices left. Therefore, Nigel needs 5 bags.