Drag and drop the characteristics to the correct European nation. Characteristics may be used more than once.

claimed the east coast of South America

imported enslaved Africans

sugar was the valuable export

conquered Argentina and Uruguay

Spanish Colonization

Portuguese Colonization

How has democracy in South America affected the region?

A. It has led to more stable economies.

B. It has led to an increase in military takeovers.

C. It ended class struggle in South America.

D. It eliminated corruption in the government.


Spanish Colonization:
---Imported enslaved Africans---
---Conquered Argentina and Uruguay---

Portuguese Colonization:
---Imported enslaved Africans---
---Sugar was the valuable export---
---Claimed the east coast of South America---

2: A. It has led to more stable economies.
3: B. Groups began to settle in one place.
4: B. Quipus conveyed information through a pattern of knots on strings.
5: Leading the fight for independence from Spain in South America
6: Economic inequality

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