Shirley is a successful lawyer. She is now working in a renowned law firm. She has a lot of customers and her daily schedule is basically full. Recently, Shirley has been thinking whether she should opt to leave the law firm and open a firm of her own. She is unable to make decision as her thoughts are disturbed of the pros and cons of both decisions.

With relevant management principles, discuss the approach to be used by Shirley to assist her in the decision making of this major decision. Explain the reasons for the chosen approach

The decision of whether to leave a renowned law firm and open her own firm is a major decision for Shirley. To assist her in making this decision, Shirley can use a structured decision-making approach called the rational decision-making model.

The rational decision-making model involves a systematic process of gathering information, evaluating alternatives, and choosing the best course of action. Here is how Shirley can use this approach to make her decision:

1. Identify the problem: Shirley should clearly define the problem she needs to solve. In this case, the problem is whether she should leave the law firm and open her own firm.

2. Gather information: Shirley should collect relevant data and information about her current situation, as well as the potential benefits and challenges of opening her own firm. This could include researching the market demand for her services, assessing her financial situation, and considering the potential impact on her career.

3. Generate alternatives: Shirley should identify and analyze different alternatives available to her. These alternatives may include staying at the law firm, opening her own firm, or even considering other career paths within the legal field. She should evaluate the potential benefits and risks of each alternative.

4. Evaluate alternatives: Shirley should carefully evaluate the pros and cons of each alternative. She can list the advantages and disadvantages associated with staying at the law firm and opening her own firm. It could be helpful for her to create a decision matrix, assigning weights to the factors that are important to her (e.g., financial stability, autonomy, job satisfaction), and scoring each alternative accordingly.

5. Make a decision: After weighing the pros and cons of each alternative, Shirley should make a decision based on her analysis. She should consider both objective factors (e.g., financial considerations) and subjective factors (e.g., personal goals and values). It's important for her to trust her judgment and make a decision that aligns with her long-term aspirations.

6. Implement and review: Once Shirley has made her decision, she should develop a plan to implement it. This may involve creating a business plan, handling legal formalities, and potentially transitioning her clients or finding new ones. As she implements her decision, she should periodically evaluate the outcomes and adjust her approach if necessary.

The rational decision-making model is a systematic approach that helps individuals make well-informed decisions by considering relevant information and analyzing alternatives. It provides structure and objectivity to the decision-making process, which can be particularly useful when making major life decisions like career changes. By following this approach, Shirley can carefully weigh the pros and cons of staying at the law firm versus opening her own firm and make the decision that is best aligned with her goals and aspirations.