Coretta buys 3 pairs of jeans that is on sale for 20% off.The original price of the jeans is $37.00. She pays with a 100 dollar much change will she receive

3 (0.80) (37) = 88.80

change = 100.00 - 88.80

To find out how much Coretta paid after applying the 20% discount, we need to calculate the discounted price of the jeans.

Step 1: Calculate the discount amount:
Discount = 20% of $37.00
Discount = (20/100) * $37.00
Discount = $7.40

Step 2: Calculate the price after discount:
Price after discount = Original price - Discount
Price after discount = $37.00 - $7.40
Price after discount = $29.60

Step 3: Calculate the total amount Coretta paid for 3 pairs of jeans:
Total amount paid = Price after discount * 3 pairs
Total amount paid = $29.60 * 3
Total amount paid = $88.80

Step 4: Calculate the change Coretta will receive:
Change = Amount paid - $100.00
Change = $88.80 - $100.00
Change = -$11.20

Since Coretta paid with a $100 bill, her change will be -$11.20. This means that she still owes $11.20, as she didn't have enough money to cover the full purchase.

To find out how much change Coretta will receive, we need to calculate the total cost of the jeans after the discount, and then subtract that amount from the $100 bill.

First, let's calculate the amount of the discount on each pair of jeans. The discount is 20%, which means Coretta will pay 80% of the original price.

The discount amount can be calculated by multiplying the original price by 20% (or 0.20 in decimal form):

Discount = $37.00 x 0.20 = $7.40

Next, let's subtract the discount amount from the original price to find the sale price of each pair:

Sale Price = Original Price - Discount = $37.00 - $7.40 = $29.60

Now, we can calculate the total cost of all 3 pairs of jeans:

Total Cost = Sale Price x Number of Pairs = $29.60 x 3 = $88.80

Finally, we can find the change by subtracting the total cost from the $100 bill:

Change = $100.00 - $88.80 = $11.20

Therefore, Coretta will receive $11.20 as change.