Alicia’s gross monthly pay is $1,700.

Alicia pays 1.25% of her monthly salary for Medicare. How much does she pay?

A. $12.50
B. $21.25
C. $170.50
D. $125.25

my answer: C

No, I think it's B, because 1.25% of 1,700 is 21.25.

B is correct

1.25%of 1700=21.25

To calculate how much Alicia pays for Medicare, we need to multiply her gross monthly pay by the percentage rate: 1.25%.

Here's how to calculate it step by step:

1. Convert the percentage to a decimal by dividing it by 100: 1.25% ÷ 100 = 0.0125.

2. Multiply Alicia's gross monthly pay by the decimal: $1,700 × 0.0125 = $21.25.

Therefore, Alicia pays $21.25 for Medicare.

Hence, the correct answer is B. $21.25.