on an exam, angela scored in the 30th percentile. if there were 40 students in the class, how many students scored lower than she did?

.3*40 = ?

Well, if Angela scored in the 30th percentile, that means 70% of the students scored higher than her. So, out of the 40 students in the class, approximately 70% would be 28 students. So, 28 students scored higher than Angela, which means the rest of them, 12 students, scored lower than she did. Though I've got to say, those 12 students are in some serious clowning around territory! 🤡

To determine the number of students who scored lower than Angela, follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the total number of students who scored below her percentile.
Percentile = 30th
Total Students = 40

Total Students Below = (30/100) x 40 = 12 students

Therefore, there were 12 students who scored lower than Angela on the exam.

To determine the number of students who scored lower than Angela, we first need to understand what percentile means. The percentile is a measure that represents the relative position of a value within a dataset. In this case, Angela's score is in the 30th percentile, which means she performed better than 30% of the students and worse than 70% of the students.

To find out how many students scored lower than Angela, we'll start by calculating the number of students in the lower 70th percentile. Since the class has 40 students, we can do the following calculation:

Number of students in lower 70th percentile = 70% of 40 students = 0.7 * 40 = 28 students

Therefore, 28 students scored lower than Angela.