A construction company orders 2900 new light bulbs for a new office building. If the probability of a light bulb being defective is 1.9%, predict how many of the light bulbs are likely to be defective. Round your answer to the nearest whole number.


To predict how many of the light bulbs are likely to be defective, we can use the probability of a single light bulb being defective and multiply it by the total number of light bulbs ordered.

Step 1: Convert the probability of a defective light bulb into a decimal. The probability is given as 1.9%, which can be expressed as 0.019.

Step 2: Multiply the probability of a defective light bulb by the total number of light bulbs ordered.
0.019 * 2900 = 55.1

Step 3: Round the result to the nearest whole number.
Rounding 55.1 to the nearest whole number, we get 55.

Therefore, it is predicted that approximately 55 light bulbs out of the 2900 ordered will be likely to be defective.