dan baked 20 pies for his friends to have 1/8 of a pie how many pies did he bake?

"dan baked 20 pies"

To find out how many pies Dan baked, you need to divide the total number of pies by the fraction each friend gets. In this case, each friend gets 1/8 of a pie.

To calculate the answer, divide the total number of pies by 1/8:

20 pies ÷ 1/8 = ?

To divide by a fraction, you can multiply the number by the reciprocal of the fraction. In this case, the reciprocal of 1/8 is 8/1:

20 pies × 8/1 = ?

Now multiply the numerators and denominators:

20 × 8 = ?

The answer is:

160 pies.

So, Dan baked 160 pies for his friends.