An online video streaming service has three different subscription packages for its customers: Package Lite: For $5 per month 5 hours of access are provided. Additional hours are $3.00 per hour. Package Regular: For $15 per month 30 hours of access are provided. Additional hours are $2.00 per hour. Package Unlimited: For $30 per month unlimited access is provided. Write a program that calculates a customer’s monthly bill. It should ask the user to enter the name of the package the customer has purchased (Lite, Regular, or Unlimited) and the number of hours that were used. It should then display the total charges.

In addition, calculate and display the amount of money Lite package customers would save if they purchased the regular or unlimited package, and the amount of money Regular customers would save if they purchased the unlimited package. If there would be no savings, no message should be printed

i want the solution

To write a program that calculates a customer's monthly bill for an online video streaming service, you can follow these steps:

1. Prompt the user to enter the name of the package the customer has purchased (Lite, Regular, or Unlimited) and the number of hours used.
2. Based on the package name entered, calculate the total charges for the customer using if-elif-else statements.
- For the Lite package, check if the number of hours used is within the included 5 hours. If so, the total charges will be $5. If the number of hours used exceeds 5, calculate the additional hours at a rate of $3.00 per hour and add it to the base charge of $5.
- For the Regular package, check if the number of hours used is within the included 30 hours. If so, the total charges will be $15. If the number of hours used exceeds 30, calculate the additional hours at a rate of $2.00 per hour and add it to the base charge of $15.
- For the Unlimited package, the total charges will always be $30 as it provides unlimited access.
3. Display the total charges to the user.

To calculate the potential savings, you can use the following steps:

1. For Lite package customers, calculate the savings if they had purchased the Regular or Unlimited package. The savings will be the difference between the total charges for the Lite package and the total charges for the other packages.
2. For Regular package customers, calculate the savings if they had purchased the Unlimited package. The savings will be the difference between the total charges for the Regular package and the total charges for the Unlimited package.
3. If there are savings, display the amount of money saved. If there are no savings, do not display any message.

Here's a Python code example that illustrates the above explanation:

package = input("Enter the name of the package (Lite, Regular, or Unlimited): ")
hours = int(input("Enter the number of hours used: "))

if package == "Lite":
if hours <= 5:
total_charges = 5
additional_hours = hours - 5
total_charges = 5 + additional_hours * 3.00
elif package == "Regular":
if hours <= 30:
total_charges = 15
additional_hours = hours - 30
total_charges = 15 + additional_hours * 2.00
elif package == "Unlimited":
total_charges = 30

print("Total charges: $", total_charges)

if package == "Lite":
regular_savings = 15 - total_charges
unlimited_savings = 30 - total_charges
if regular_savings > 0:
print("Potential savings if you purchased the Regular package: $", regular_savings)
if unlimited_savings > 0:
print("Potential savings if you purchased the Unlimited package: $", unlimited_savings)
elif package == "Regular":
unlimited_savings = 30 - total_charges
if unlimited_savings > 0:
print("Potential savings if you purchased the Unlimited package: $", unlimited_savings)

This program prompts the user to enter the package name and the number of hours used, calculates the total charges, and then calculates and displays potential savings if applicable.