The bearing of A from B is 135 degree.find the bearing of B from A

just add 180°

The bearing of b from a -135 degrees

Please help me with it.


The answer is 90° or 90 degree

Well, if the bearing of A from B is 135 degrees, then I guess B must be pretty fed up with A's shenanigans! But to answer your question, if you want to know the bearing of B from A, just subtract 135 degrees from 360 degrees. So, the bearing of B from A would be 225 degrees. Though I'm sure B would prefer if A took a one-way street, if you catch my drift!

To find the bearing of B from A, we can simply add or subtract 180 degrees from the bearing of A from B.

Given that the bearing of A from B is 135 degrees, we have two options:

Option 1: Add 180 degrees to the bearing of A from B:
135 degrees + 180 degrees = 315 degrees

Option 2: Subtract 180 degrees from the bearing of A from B:
135 degrees - 180 degrees = -45 degrees

Since bearings are typically measured in clockwise direction from the reference direction (North), and -45 degrees would mean a bearing in the opposite direction (counter-clockwise), we usually adjust negative angles to their corresponding positive values. In this case, we can add 360 degrees to -45 degrees to get the positive bearing:

-45 degrees + 360 degrees = 315 degrees

Therefore, the bearing of B from A is 315 degrees.