what is the surface area of the square pyramid ?

A. 168,750 square yards
B. 5625 square yards
C. 14,625 square yards
D. 20,250 square yards

To find the surface area of a square pyramid, you need to determine the area of each individual face and then sum them up.

A square pyramid has a square base, and four triangular faces that meet at a common vertex. The area of the base can be found by multiplying the length of one side (s) by itself (s^2), since all sides of a square are equal.

The area of each triangular face can be found using the formula: (base × height) / 2. In this case, the base is equal to the side length of the square base, and the height can be determined using the Pythagorean theorem.

To calculate the surface area, add the area of the base to the combined areas of the four triangular faces.

Let's calculate the surface area of the square pyramid for the given options:

Option A: 168,750 square yards
Option B: 5625 square yards
Option C: 14,625 square yards
Option D: 20,250 square yards

To determine the correct answer, we need the measurements of the pyramid (side length of the base and height) or additional information.

Since you are the only ones with the measurements, only you can

solve the problem.

You will have to know the sides of the base and the height of the pyramid.