3.14 for

Which of the following correctly relates the measures of the diameter and radius of a circle?


Trust me i just took the test, i have no reason to lie, Why would I, What i say is nothing but truth

Connexus Kid is correct 5/5 for connexus

oh wait those answers are right

Thanks yall i need this =<=

Thank yall so much

Tysm for telling the answers, but if u rlly need help please go to a live lesson with youre teacher!! Please understand there always there to help

thx got a 100 thx to u!

Thanks to the people that put the answers

thanks Connexus Kid

ohhhh im so stupid I realize what I was doing wrong I didnt multiply it by pi (3.14) so to do number 5 is 14 x 2 = 28. 28 x 3.14 = 88 if you round to the nearest tenth so then just do 440 divided by 88 which is about 10

Connexus Kid and REDDDD is right for the quick check math 6B lesson 7 unit 3


Connexus Kid, PUT IT ON GOD

They stopped showing your grade after you submit. RIP in the Jiksha chat

what are the answer for the whole quick check

Thanks I was so confused with the last one I thought they wrote the question wrong or something lol

Here are the answers 100%


Connexus Kid is right thx

i attend all my live lessons but still dont rly understand the works so i come to here for help and also if u scrolled down here then go back up for connexus kids answers he got me 100% so thanks connexus kid

peace out

Ty connexus kid

Thx @Connexus Kid ur a life saver

its right for 2023 too

can someone help me with this bc i dont understand and i hate to cheat on this cause idk how to do it

Connexus Kid is still correct 5/5 for connexus


have a nice day btw

connexus kid is correcto, epico.

So what is the answer

Connexus Kid is right

you need to put the answers in word form

thx conexus kid

as of march 2023 they still work

stop cheating even tho the conecshusk lessons dont have way to much extra info so you have no idea where it says "the awnser is="

the diameter is twice the radius