5/8(16e + 24f - 56g) =

5/8 * 16e = 10e

and so on

To simplify the given expression, we need to apply the distributive property and perform the multiplication and addition calculations step by step. Let's break it down:

First, distribute the fraction 5/8 to each term inside the parentheses:

5/8 * 16e + 5/8 * 24f - 5/8 * 56g

Next, simplify each term:

(5/8) * 16e = (5 * 16e) / 8 = (80e) / 8 = 10e
(5/8) * 24f = (5 * 24f) / 8 = (120f) / 8 = 15f
(5/8) * -56g = (5 * -56g) / 8 = (-280g) / 8 = -35g

Now substitute these simplified terms back into the expression:

10e + 15f - 35g

Therefore, the simplified expression is 10e + 15f - 35g.