he distance between two cities on a map is 2 inches. The map scale is ¼ inch = 5 miles. What is the actual distance between the cities?

2 = 8/4

8*5 = ?

To find the actual distance between the cities, we need to use the map scale. In this case, the map scale is ¼ inch = 5 miles.

First, we need to determine the number of increments or units on the map that corresponds to the distance between the cities. Since the distance between the cities on the map is 2 inches, we divide this by the scale of ¼ inch:

2 inches / ¼ inch = 8

This means that for every 8 increments on the map, the actual distance between the cities is 5 miles.

Next, we can set up a proportion to find the actual distance. Let "x" represent the actual distance between the cities:

8 increments / 5 miles = 2 inches / x miles

To find "x," we cross-multiply and then solve for "x":

8 * x = 5 * 2
8x = 10
x = 10 / 8
x = 1.25 miles

Therefore, the actual distance between the cities is 1.25 miles.


2 in * 5 mi / .25 in = 4 * 10 = ?