You want to read more than 50 pages in a book this week. You have already read 16 pages. Write and solve an inequality to find how many more pages you need to read this week. Be sure to write your answer as a solution set.


Find x and and the set would become clearer for you to see

My bad


To find out how many more pages you need to read this week, let's denote the unknown number of pages you need to read as 'x'.

Since you want to read more than 50 pages in total, we can write the inequality as:

x > 50

However, you have already read 16 pages, so you need to incorporate that into the inequality:

x + 16 > 50

Now, to solve for 'x', we can isolate the variable:

x > 50 - 16

x > 34

Therefore, the solution set for the inequality is x > 34, meaning you need to read more than 34 pages this week.