A cyclist rides her bike at a speed of 21 km/h what is the speed in kilometers per minute how many kilometers in a cyclist travel in 10 minutes do not round your answers

To find the speed in kilometers per minute, we need to convert the given speed from kilometers per hour to kilometers per minute.

Speed of the cyclist = 21 km/h.

To convert km/h to km/min, we need to divide by 60 (since there are 60 minutes in an hour).

(21 km/h) / (60 min/h) = 0.35 km/min.

So, the speed of the cyclist is 0.35 kilometers per minute.

To calculate how many kilometers the cyclist would travel in 10 minutes, we simply multiply the speed (0.35 km/min) by the time (10 minutes).

0.35 km/min * 10 min = 3.5 km.

Hence, the cyclist would travel 3.5 kilometers in 10 minutes.

To convert the speed from kilometers per hour to kilometers per minute, we need to divide the speed by 60.

So, the speed in kilometers per minute is: 21 km/h ÷ 60 min = 0.35 km/min.

To find the distance traveled in 10 minutes, we multiply the speed in kilometers per minute by the time in minutes.

Distance traveled = Speed × Time
Distance traveled = 0.35 km/min × 10 min = 3.5 km.

Therefore, the cyclist would travel 3.5 kilometers in 10 minutes.

21 km/ hr x 1 hr/ 60 min = 21/60 km/min = 7/20 km/min

7/20 km/min x 10 min= 3.5 km or 7/2 km