What job will l do after doing these subjects

agriculture, mathematics and geography

Rather than figure out what you can do with what you know, discover what you love, and find out what it will take to succeed in that field.

Talk to someone successful in that field.

After studying agriculture, mathematics, and geography, you will have a variety of job opportunities available to you. Here are a few potential careers you could pursue:

1. Agricultural Economist: You can use your knowledge of agriculture and mathematics to analyze and forecast market trends, supply and demand, and pricing strategies within the agricultural sector.

2. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Specialist: By combining your understanding of geography and mathematics, you can work as a GIS specialist to collect, analyze, and interpret geographic data. This job often involves creating maps and visualizing spatial patterns.

3. Agricultural Engineer: With your background in agriculture and mathematics, you can become an agricultural engineer. In this role, you would work on designing and improving farming equipment, irrigation systems, and crop production techniques.

4. Environmental Scientist: Your knowledge of geography and agriculture can be applied to work as an environmental scientist. This job involves researching and analyzing the impact of human activities on the environment, including agricultural practices, and developing sustainable solutions.

5. Agricultural Researcher: By combining your knowledge of agriculture, mathematics, and geography, you can work as a researcher in the field of agricultural sciences, conducting experiments, collecting data, and analyzing results to develop new farming techniques, crop varieties, or environmental management strategies.

Remember to further explore these career options and potential job requirements to determine which aligns best with your interests and goals.

After studying subjects like agriculture, mathematics, and geography, you will have a diverse skill set that can qualify you for various job opportunities. Here are a few potential career paths you could consider:

1. Agricultural Scientist or Researcher: With a background in agriculture and knowledge of mathematics, you can become involved in conducting research and experiments related to crop production, soil science, or agricultural technology.

2. Environmental Analyst or Consultant: Your understanding of geography, coupled with mathematical skills, can lead you to work in analyzing environmental data, assessing the impact of human activities on ecosystems, or providing consulting services to organizations seeking environmental sustainability.

3. GIS Specialist: Geographic Information System (GIS) professionals use geospatial data and maps to analyze and visualize information related to geography. Your knowledge of geography combined with mathematical abilities can make you well-suited for roles in this field.

4. Agricultural Economist: By utilizing your mathematical skills, you can work in analyzing economic data, forecasting trends, and providing strategic advice in the agricultural sector. This field focuses on understanding the economic dynamics of agriculture and the food industry.

5. Environmental Planner: Your knowledge of geography can be applied to understanding land use, planning sustainable development, and assessing the impact of construction projects. This career involves analyzing data and making informed decisions regarding environmental protection and resource management.

It's important to note that these are just a few potential careers you could pursue. There are numerous other possibilities, and your interests, additional qualifications, and personal aspirations will also play a significant role in determining the exact job you choose. It is advisable to explore various job descriptions, internship opportunities, and further education options within each field to identify the path that aligns best with your skills and interests.