Original price $29.99 ;Markdown 33 1/3

The answer is $19.99 because

33 1/3% is equal to taking 1/3 of a number. To take 1/3 of a number, we multiply by 1/3:
29.99(1/3) = 29.99/3 = 9.9966666667 ≈ $10
This means the price is marked down by $10. This makes the new price 29.99-10 = 19.99


To find the markdown amount, we need to calculate 33 1/3 percent of the original price.

Step 1: Convert the percentage to a decimal.

33 1/3 percent can be written as 33.33%.

Step 2: Multiply the original price by the decimal form of the percentage.

$29.99 * 33.33% = $29.99 * 0.3333 = $9.99367 (rounded to $9.99)

The markdown amount is approximately $9.99.

To calculate the markdown of 33 1/3% from the original price of $29.99, you need to multiply the original price by 33 1/3% (or 0.3333).

So, the calculation would look like this:

Markdown = Original Price * 0.3333
= $29.99 * 0.3333
= $9.9957

Rounding this to two decimal places, the markdown is approximately $10.00.

To find the new price after the markdown, you need to subtract the markdown from the original price:

New Price = Original Price - Markdown
= $29.99 - $10.00
= $19.99

Therefore, the new price after applying a markdown of 33 1/3% to the original price of $29.99 is approximately $19.99.