All of the following were goals of the Confederate States of America EXCEPT:

a. protecting against any effort to abolish slavery
b. ensuring the continuation of the international slave trade
c. protecting the slave trade in the U.S.
d. ensuring the expansion of slavery in the western territories

I do not think Jeff Davis harbored any dream of getting European countries to start their slave trade up again.

To determine which of the given options was NOT a goal of the Confederate States of America, we need to understand the objectives and motivations of the Confederacy during the American Civil War.

The Confederate States of America was formed by southern states that seceded from the Union primarily due to disagreements over slavery. The Confederacy aimed to protect and preserve the institution of slavery, which was the backbone of the southern economy. However, not all of the given options align with the Confederacy's objectives:

a. Protecting against any effort to abolish slavery: This aligns with the Confederacy's goal, as they sought to maintain the institution of slavery against potential threats from the Union or other anti-slavery forces.

b. Ensuring the continuation of the international slave trade: This objective was not specifically pursued by the Confederate States of America. The international slave trade had already been abolished in the United States in 1808, and the Confederacy focused more on preserving domestic slavery within their territories. Therefore, option b cannot be the correct answer.

c. Protecting the slave trade in the U.S.: This aligns with the Confederacy's objective, as they aimed to protect and maintain the internal slave trade within their borders. They wanted to preserve the economic and social system built around slavery.

d. Ensuring the expansion of slavery in the western territories: This objective was also pursued by the Confederacy. They desired the expansion of slavery into new territories to maintain and extend their influence and power. They hoped to establish a slave-based agrarian society in the western territories captured from the Union.

Therefore, the answer is option b. Ensuring the continuation of the international slave trade was not one of the goals of the Confederate States of America.