6 bananas shared equally among 4 friends

6/4 = 3/2 =1.5 bananas / friend

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To find out how many bananas each friend will get when 6 bananas are shared equally among 4 friends, you can divide the total number of bananas by the number of friends.

So, 6 bananas divided by 4 friends equals 1.5 bananas per friend.

However, since you cannot physically divide a banana into halves or decimals, in this case, each friend will get 1 whole banana and there will be 2 bananas leftover.

To explain the step-by-step process to get the answer:

1. Start with the total number of bananas, which is 6.
2. Divide the total number of bananas by the number of friends, which is 4.
3. 6 รท 4 = 1.5 bananas per friend.
4. Since we cannot give half of a banana to each friend, each friend will get 1 whole banana.
5. After giving out 4 bananas, there will be 2 bananas remaining.

So, each friend will get 1 whole banana and there will be 2 bananas leftover.