What will be the amount of energy released when 0.5kg of uranium is burned completely

I have no idea what you mean by "burned completely".

If you mean somehow the entire mass is converted to energy then:
E = m c^2 = 0.5 * 3*10^8 * 3*10^8 = 4.5 *10^16 Joules
which is quite a lot.

The amount of energy released when 0.5kg of uranium is burned completely can be calculated using the concept of energy produced by nuclear reactions.

First, we need to know the energy released per unit mass of uranium burned, which can be obtained from the specific energy released during nuclear fission reactions.
On average, the energy released per fission event of a uranium atom is about 200 MeV (Mega-electron Volts), which is equivalent to 3.2042 × 10^(-11) Joules.
Next, we need to determine the number of uranium atoms in 0.5kg of uranium.
The molar mass of uranium is approximately 238.03 g/mol. Thus, the molar mass of uranium is 238.03 grams.
Using Avogadro's number (6.022 x 10^23 atoms/mol), we can find the number of atoms in 0.5kg of uranium.
Number of atoms = (0.5kg / 238.03 grams/mol) x (6.022 x 10^23 atoms/mol)
Finally, the total energy released when 0.5kg of uranium is burned completely can be calculated by multiplying the energy released per fission event by the number of atoms.
Total energy released = Number of atoms x Energy released per fission event

Please note that the calculation involves several steps and values might vary slightly depending on the specific type of uranium and the energy released per fission event. However, the steps provided above give a general idea of how to calculate the amount of energy released.

To calculate the amount of energy released when 0.5kg of uranium is burned completely, we need to know the energy content of uranium and the energy released per unit mass when it burns.

1. Determine the energy content of uranium: The energy content of uranium can be expressed in terms of its heat of combustion or its heat of fusion. Since uranium is not typically burned like a fossil fuel, we will consider its heat of fusion, which is the energy required to convert 1 kg of solid uranium into its molten form.

2. Research the heat of fusion of uranium: The heat of fusion of uranium can be found in scientific literature or databases specific to material properties. You can search for this information online or refer to scientific books or articles related to uranium.

3. Calculate the energy content: Once you have the heat of fusion value, multiply it by the mass of uranium burned. Assuming the heat of fusion is given in joules per kilogram (J/kg), the calculation will be:

Energy released = Heat of fusion of uranium × mass of uranium burned

For example, if the heat of fusion of uranium is 200,000 J/kg:

Energy released = 200,000 J/kg × 0.5 kg

Please note that the values provided in this explanation are just for illustrative purposes. The actual values need to be obtained from reliable sources.