which is a set of collinear point


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To determine which set of points is collinear, we need to understand what it means for points to be collinear.

Collinear points are points that lie in a straight line. In other words, if you were to draw a line through the points, all the points would be on that line.

Now, let's examine the given options:
A) G, H, I
B) L, H, I
C) G, H, J
D) G, I, J

To determine which set of points is collinear, we can visualize the points on a coordinate plane or imagine drawing lines through the points.

Using option A) G, H, I:
You can draw a line passing through points G, H, and I, and all three points will be on that line. Therefore, the set of points G, H, I is collinear.

For option B) L, H, I:
You can draw a line passing through points L, H, and I, and all three points will be on that line. Therefore, the set of points L, H, I is also collinear.

For option C) G, H, J:
In this case, if you attempt to draw a line passing through G, H, and J, the point J will not fall on the line. Therefore, the set of points G, H, J is not collinear.

Lastly, for option D) G, I, J:
If you draw a line passing through G, I, and J, all three points will fall on that line. Therefore, the set of points G, I, J is collinear.

In conclusion, the sets of collinear points are:
- A) G, H, I
- B) L, H, I
- D) G, I, J