If Scarlet made 2 1/2 pounds of trail mix. If she puts 5/6 of a pound into each bag, how many bags can Scarlet fill?

Write your answer as a fraction or as a whole or mixed number.

I have a question, not a answer.

Doug made 1 1/2 pounds of trail mix. If he puts 1/6 of a pound into each bag, how many bags can Doug fill?

Is this division, or multiplication? Also, what is the answer?
I am a student.

Scarlet can fill 3 bags! It's a simple division problem: 2 1/2 pounds, divided by 5/6 pounds that goes into each bag.

To find the number of bags Scarlet can fill, we need to divide the total amount of trail mix she made by the amount she puts in each bag.

Total amount of trail mix = 2 1/2 pounds
Amount of trail mix per bag = 5/6 pound

To divide a whole number by a fraction, we need to convert the whole number to a fraction with the same denominator as the fraction.

2 1/2 = 5/2

Now, we can divide the fractions:

(5/2) ÷ (5/6)

When dividing fractions, we multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second fraction.

(5/2) × (6/5)

Multiplying the numerators (5 × 6) and the denominators (2 × 5) gives:


Simplifying the fraction 30/10, we get:


So, Scarlet can fill 3 bags.

To find out how many bags Scarlet can fill, we need to divide the total amount of trail mix she made (2 1/2 pounds) by the amount of trail mix she puts into each bag (5/6 of a pound).

First, let's convert the mixed number 2 1/2 to an improper fraction. To do this, we multiply the whole number (2) by the denominator of the fraction (2 * 2 = 4). Then, we add the numerator of the fraction (4 + 1 = 5). This gives us the improper fraction 5/2.

Next, we can divide the total trail mix (5/2 pounds) by the amount of trail mix per bag (5/6 pound). To divide fractions, we multiply the dividend by the reciprocal of the divisor. In this case, we multiply 5/2 by the reciprocal of 5/6. The reciprocal of 5/6 is 6/5.

So, the calculation becomes:
(5/2) * (6/5) = (5 * 6) / (2 * 5) = 30/10 = 3/1 = 3

Therefore, Scarlet can fill 3 bags with the given amounts of trail mix.