All renewable resources are inexhaustible

True or false

I have the answers

1. False
2. C
3. D
4. A
Trust me got a 100% 👍🏼

Nemo is correct ty

This is false

No #3 is not C it’s D gasoline

dude, are you doing a Conexus quick check? or some practice? because these answers are for a quick check.

false cda is correct for Quick Check: Natural Resources

1. false

2.c (are resources that can never be used up)
3.d (gasoline)
4.a (A timber company only cuts some trees down and replaces them with new trees)

False. While renewable resources are those that can be replenished or regenerated over time, they are not necessarily inexhaustible. The key characteristic of renewable resources is that they are naturally replenished, but the rate at which they are replenished varies and can be influenced by various factors. For example, solar energy is a renewable resource because sunlight is continuously available, but it may not be accessible or harnessable in certain regions or during specific weather conditions. Similarly, wind energy depends on wind patterns that may not always be consistent. Therefore, while renewable resources are generally more sustainable than non-renewable resources, they can still be depleted if not managed properly or used in excessive quantities.


#3 is D. -_-