How am I supposed to make a story about how the giraffe evolved its neck but including all 4 types of Natural Selection?

The Giraffe got its long neck through needs of food and breeding but I have no idea how to word anything if it has to include all types of natural selection.

To create a story about how the giraffe evolved its neck to include all four types of natural selection, you can follow these steps:

1. Understand the four types of natural selection:
- Stabilizing selection: This occurs when individuals with average traits have a higher chance of survival and reproduction.
- Directional selection: This happens when individuals with extreme traits are favored over the average ones.
- Disruptive selection: This occurs when extremes of a trait are favored over individuals with average traits.
- Sexual selection: This type of selection relates to the mating success of individuals and is driven by preferences for certain traits.

2. Develop a storyline:
Consider creating a narrative about a population of primitive giraffes in a diverse environment to illustrate the process of evolution. Here's a possible storyline incorporating all four types of natural selection:

In a dense African savanna, there lived a variety of giraffes with different neck lengths. Initially, the giraffes had short necks and relied on grazing plants close to the ground.

- Stabilizing selection: The savanna had an abundance of shorter plants that were easier to access by giraffes with average neck lengths. These giraffes, with their average neck lengths, could reach enough food to survive and reproduce efficiently. As a result, stabilizing selection acted upon the population, maintaining an average neck length.

- Disruptive selection: Over time, the savanna landscape changed due to a climatic event, causing a scarcity of shorter plants. This led to disruptive selection since giraffes with extremely short necks found it challenging to reach the available food sources. On the other hand, giraffes with longer necks had a selective advantage, allowing them to reach the remaining vegetation. Consequently, the populations split into two groups: those with extremely short necks and those with longer necks.

- Directional selection: As the population with longer necks thrived, they came across a new food source in the upper reaches of taller trees. Giraffes with even longer necks had a better chance of accessing this newfound resource, resulting in directional selection. Over generations, giraffes with longer necks became even more prevalent in the population.

- Sexual selection: As the giraffes' necks grew longer, a new factor influenced their evolution – sexual selection. Male giraffes developed an advantage during courtship rituals by utilizing their long necks in dominance displays, impressing the females. Consequently, females preferred males with longer necks, leading to the genetic transmission of long neck traits to future generations.

3. Incorporate the four types of natural selection into the story:
Include specific instances that illustrate each type of natural selection as described above. This way, you will cover all four types of natural selection while telling the story of how the giraffe evolved its neck.

Remember, this is just a suggested approach to create a story that incorporates all four types of natural selection. You can adapt the narrative and details to make it more engaging and informative.