Matt runs 2.25 km in 15 min find the speed that Matt runs at?

you probably want km/h , so

2.25 km in 15 min
= 2.25 km/(1/4 hour)
= 9 km/h

To find Matt's speed, we need to divide the distance he runs by the time it takes him.

Given that Matt runs 2.25 km in 15 minutes, we can use the formula:

Speed = Distance / Time

Plugging in the values we have, we get:

Speed = 2.25 km / 15 min

To simplify the calculation, we can convert 15 minutes to hours by dividing by 60:

Speed = 2.25 km / (15 min / 60 min/hour)

Speed = 2.25 km / (0.25 hour)

Now, divide 2.25 km by 0.25:

Speed = 2.25 km / 0.25

Speed = 9 km/hour

Therefore, Matt runs at a speed of 9 kilometers per hour.