What key ideas LEAD to the Geneva conventions and what key ideas were DURING the Geneva conventions and what are the results of the Geneva Conventions. Thanks!

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The Geneva Conventions were a series of international agreements governing humanitarian laws in times of armed conflict. They were prompted by certain key ideas both before and during their establishment. Here's an explanation of the key ideas that led to, were present during, and the results of the Geneva Conventions:

Key Ideas that Led to the Geneva Conventions:
1. Humanitarian Concerns: The fundamental idea behind the Geneva Conventions was to alleviate human suffering during armed conflicts by establishing rules to protect individuals who are not taking part in hostilities, such as civilians, medical personnel, and prisoners of war.
2. Evolution of Warfare: The increasing scale and devastation caused by modern warfare in the 19th century, particularly during the Crimean War and the American Civil War, highlighted the need for clearer rules and protections for those affected by armed conflicts.
3. International Cooperation: There was a growing recognition that international cooperation and treaties were necessary to establish common standards of humanitarian conduct during times of war.

Key Ideas During the Geneva Conventions:
1. Distinction and Protection: The Geneva Conventions emphasized the importance of distinguishing between combatants and non-combatants, ensuring that civilians are protected from the effects of warfare and that individuals who are hors de combat (sick, wounded, or captured) are treated humanely.
2. Medical Assistance: The Conventions recognized the specific needs of the sick and wounded and protected medical personnel and facilities, guaranteeing their ability to provide impartial medical care to all those in need, regardless of their affiliation.
3. Human Rights: The Geneva Conventions promoted the respect for basic human rights, including the prohibition of torture, cruel treatment, and arbitrary detention during armed conflicts.

Results of the Geneva Conventions:
1. International Legal Framework: The Geneva Conventions established a widely accepted set of rules and standards for humanitarian conduct during armed conflicts. They became the cornerstone of international humanitarian law.
2. Protection of Civilians: The Conventions provided legal safeguards for civilians caught in the midst of armed conflicts, highlighting their rights and protections.
3. Treatment of Soldiers and POWs: The Geneva Conventions set standards for the treatment of prisoners of war, ensuring humane conditions of captivity and prohibiting torture and ill-treatment.
4. Evolution and Adaptation: Over time, the Geneva Conventions have been expanded and updated through additional protocols to address emerging challenges in warfare, such as the protection of victims of internal armed conflicts and the use of new weapon technologies.

In summary, the key ideas that led to the Geneva Conventions were humanitarian concerns, the evolution of warfare, and the need for international cooperation. The key ideas during the conventions were the distinction and protection of combatants and non-combatants, the focus on medical assistance, and the promotion of human rights. The results of the Geneva Conventions include the establishment of an international legal framework, the protection of civilians, the treatment of soldiers and prisoners of war, and ongoing evolution and adaptation to address modern challenges.