What was World War I’s effect on art in Western societies?

Traditional styles were challenged by new abstract and dark themes.**
Artistic expression declined because more people saw it as impractical.
Artists envisioned a brighter future in which human abilities and achievements were highlighted.
Most art and literature glorified military accomplishments.

I just took the test. the answers A, Traditional styles were challenged by new abstract and dark themes.**

you're welcome

just give the damn answer

Google "World War I’s effect on art ". Read carefully.

World War I had a significant impact on the art in Western societies. It challenged traditional artistic styles and led to the emergence of new and abstract themes. Artists were influenced by the dark and chaotic nature of the war, which reflected in their works. This is the most accurate answer to your question.

To get this answer, one could examine the art produced during and after World War I. By researching the works of famous artists of that time, such as Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque, and Marcel Duchamp, one would find that they and many others experimented with new artistic forms and styles that challenged traditional artistic norms. These artists sought to capture the devastation, disillusionment, and loss experienced during the war, resulting in a shift towards abstract and darker themes in art.

It is important to note that the other options provided do not accurately represent the effect of World War I on art. Artistic expression did not decline, but rather transformed and evolved. Additionally, while some art and literature did glorify military accomplishments, this was not the prevailing trend in artistic expression during this period.

By researching and studying the art produced during this period, one can gain a deeper understanding of the impact of World War I on artistic movements and the societal changes that occurred as a result.

boo psydag

I'm from the future. I say thanks. Beep boop.