The 14th term is % while the 25th term is 173,find the 19th term

Is it Arithmetic or Geometric?

To find the 19th term in a sequence, we need to determine the pattern or formula that relates the terms. Given that the 14th term is a percentage and the 25th term is 173, we can use this information to find the pattern and find the 19th term.

Step 1: Find the common difference or ratio.
Since the 14th term is a percentage while the 25th term is a numerical value, it suggests that the sequence might be an arithmetic sequence. In an arithmetic sequence, the difference between consecutive terms is constant. To find this difference (common difference), subtract the 14th term from the 25th term:
173 - (14th term) = common difference

Step 2: Calculate the common difference.
To calculate the common difference, we need to know the value of the 14th term. Unfortunately, this is not provided in the question. Therefore, we need more information or an additional equation to solve for the unknown values.

Without more data or information about the sequence, we are unable to find the 19th term.