Can you combine positive and negative like terms together? If so, can you explain how? That would be amazing.

What do you mean by "combine" ?

addition? subtraction? multiplication? division?

If you have something like
12k - 5t - 8k + 13t
we could arrange them
12k - 8k + 13t - 5t, most people do this mentally

= 4k + 8t
I added the coefficients of the like terms (combine ?)
12 + (-8) = 4
13 + (-5) = 8

12 apples take away 8 apples = 4 apples
you have $12 and you lose $8 in a game, you now have $4
12k - 8k = 4k

If you know how to add and subtract integers, then you know how to "combine" like terms.

But what I meant by combine like terms, was to combine equations. Ex: 5x+7 and 6x+21 make 11x+28. But only, what if the equations had a negative and a positive. Ex: 4x+5 and 6x-10. How would I combine them?

Thank you

Yes, you can combine positive and negative like terms together. When combining like terms, you are essentially grouping together terms that have the same variable raised to the same power.

To combine positive and negative like terms, follow these steps:

1. Identify the like terms: Look for terms that have the exact same variable (with the same exponent).

2. Group the like terms: Separate the terms into two groups - positive terms and negative terms. Positive terms typically do not have a sign explicitly shown, while negative terms have a negative sign (-) in front of them.

3. Add or subtract the coefficients: In each group, add or subtract the coefficients (numbers in front of the variable). If there is no explicit coefficient, assume it is 1.

For example, let's say you have the following expression:

3x + 7y - 2x + 4y

First, identify the like terms:

Like terms with 'x': 3x and -2x
Like terms with 'y': 7y and 4y

Next, group the terms:

Positive terms: 3x, 7y
Negative terms: -2x, 4y

Finally, combine the coefficients:

Positive terms: 3x + 7y
Negative terms: -2x + 4y

So, the combined expression would be:

3x + 7y - 2x + 4y

Note that in this example, we didn't change the order of the terms. However, it is common to rearrange the terms in ascending or descending order based on the variable or exponent.