consider the cube shown below identify the 2 dimensional shape of the cross-section if the cube is sliced horizontally. Starting with the same cube, identify the two-dimensional shape of cross-section if the ube is sliced vertically. Explain why the shapes are the same or different.

can you please tell me the answer to that problem


To identify the two-dimensional shape of the cross-section when the cube is sliced horizontally, we need to imagine cutting the cube across its height, parallel to the base.

To visualize this, picture a cube with their faces labeled as the front, back, top, bottom, left, and right. Now, imagine slicing the cube horizontally, cutting through the middle of the cube. This cut will divide the cube into two equal halves.

The resulting cross-section shape would be a square. The reason for this is that when you slice the cube horizontally, you are essentially cutting through the layers of the cube, which are all square-shaped faces. Each layer of the cube will result in a square cross-section.

Now, let's move on to identify the two-dimensional shape of the cross-section when the cube is sliced vertically. This time, imagine cutting the cube from one corner to the opposite corner. This cut will divide the cube into two triangular halves.

The resulting cross-section shape would be a triangle. The reason for this is that when you slice the cube vertically, you are slicing through the edges of the cube, resulting in a cross-section that is a triangular shape. Each vertical slice through the cube will result in a triangle cross-section.

In summary, the two-dimensional shape of the cross-sections when a cube is sliced horizontally is a square, while the shape of the cross-sections when the cube is sliced vertically is a triangle. The shapes are different because the orientation and direction of the slice determine the resulting cross-section shape.

the slice is parallel to one of the faces.

What shape is the face of a cube?


Here is the answers for cross-section quick check i swear it is 100% but only for connexus people
