Azalia has a bag of peanuts .she give one third of it to mona Re and eats one fifth of it.what fraction is left over ?

1 - 1/3 - 1/5 = ___

1/3 + 1/5 = 5/15 + 3/15 = 8/15 = Total eaten.

1 - 8/15 = 15/15 - 8/15 = ----left.

What percentage did she eat all by herself?

To find the fraction of peanuts that is left over, we need to subtract the fractions that Azalia gave to Mona Re and the fraction that Azalia ate from the original fraction. Here's how you can calculate it:

1. Start with the fraction representing the whole bag of peanuts, which is 1 whole or 1/1.

2. Azalia gives one-third of the bag to Mona Re, so you need to subtract 1/3 from the whole fraction. To do this, you need to find a common denominator.

- The denominator of the whole fraction is 1, so we can convert 1/3 to have a denominator of 1 by multiplying both the numerator and denominator by 1.
- So, 1/3 can be written as 1/3 * 1/1, which is 1/3.

3. Subtract 1/3 from 1/1. To subtract fractions, you need a common denominator.

- The common denominator is 3, so you multiply the numerator and denominator of 1/1 by 3 to get 3/3.
- Now, subtract 1/3 from 3/3: 3/3 - 1/3 = (3 - 1)/3 = 2/3.

4. After giving away one-third of the peanuts, Azalia then eats one-fifth of what's left.

- To find the fraction she ate, you need to multiply the remaining fraction (2/3) by 1/5.
- Multiplying fractions is done by multiplying the numerators and multiplying the denominators.
- 2/3 * 1/5 = (2*1)/(3*5) = 2/15.

5. Finally, to find the fraction that is left over, subtract the fraction Azalia ate (2/15) from the remaining fraction (2/3).

- 2/3 - 2/15 = (10/15) - (2/15) = 8/15.

Therefore, the fraction of peanuts that is left over is 8/15.