What is the square root of -105 rounded to the nearest integer

To find the square root of a negative number, like -105, we need to use imaginary numbers. When a number is negative, its square root will involve the imaginary unit, often denoted by the symbol "i".

To calculate the square root of -105, we can write it as √(-1) * √(105).

√(-1) is denoted as "i", which is defined as the square root of -1.

Now, we need to calculate the square root of 105. Taking the square root of 105 is approximately 10.246, which can be rounded to the nearest integer.

Therefore, the square root of -105 rounded to the nearest integer is approximately -10i.

The square root of a negative number is not a real number, so the square root of -105 is an imaginary number. In this case, the square root of -105 is approximately 10.25i, where "i" represents the imaginary unit. Since the question asks for the answer rounded to the nearest integer, the nearest whole number to 10.25 is 10. Hence, the square root of -105 rounded to the nearest integer is 10.

well, it is imaginary of course

10 i