The product of two whole numbers is 65. What is the sum of the two numbets

It is 25 or 21

the factors of 65 are 5 and 13 (both primes)

To find the sum of two whole numbers whose product is 65, we can list all the possible pairs of whole numbers and check their products:

1 * 65 = 65
-1 * -65 = 65
5 * 13 = 65
-5 * -13 = 65

From the list above, we can see that there are two pairs of whole numbers whose product is 65: (1, 65) and (-5, -13). To find the sum of these pairs, we add the two numbers in each pair:

1 + 65 = 66
-5 + -13 = -18

So, the sum of the two numbers whose product is 65 is either 66 or -18, depending on which pair of whole numbers you had in mind.