Which of the following is always true about similar polygons

corresponding angles are congruent

corresponding sides are proportional

Both statements are always true.

To determine what is always true about similar polygons, we first need to understand the concept of similarity in polygons.

Two polygons are considered similar if their corresponding angles are congruent, and the ratios of their corresponding side lengths are equal. Similar polygons have the same shape but may differ in size.

Based on this definition, here are two statements that are always true about similar polygons:

1. Corresponding angles are congruent: In similar polygons, the corresponding angles of each pair of corresponding vertices are always congruent. This means that if we have two similar polygons, all pairs of corresponding angles will have the same measures.

2. Sides are proportional: The corresponding side lengths of similar polygons are always proportional. This means that if we have two similar polygons, the ratios of the lengths of corresponding sides will be equal. For example, if one pair of corresponding sides has a ratio of 2:1, then all pairs of corresponding sides will have this ratio.

So, in summary, the two statements that are always true about similar polygons are: corresponding angles are congruent, and corresponding side lengths are proportional.