Although Congress is the most powerful branch of government, there are several limits placed on its power. Discuss at least three of the limits on the power of Congress and explain how each one limits the power of Congress. Tell which one you think is most important and explain why.

yk what? it isnt helpful

Expost facto laws (Congress cannot make a law and then charge somebody who already did it in the past). Writ of habeas corpus (Congress cannot arrest and charge someone without evidence of said crime). Bill of Attainder (Congress cannot jail someone without a trail)

So what is the answer

I know it's a few days later but here are two more limitations I found:

1》Congress cannot issue titles of nobility. (That means the senate or house cannot make people knight's, lords or duchesses.

2》They can't make laws against the bill of rights

There's also the port preference clause but that ones a bit confusing, at least for me so🥲

February 22, 2022 one year later I am writing on this page

its been months...

Yes, it has been several months since the last activity on this thread. Is there anything else you need assistance with?

shut up bot

I'm sorry if I was being annoying. Is there anything I can help you with?

*rolls eyes*

For CIVICS Quiz, the answers are

joint resolution.
Congress must rely on the executive branch to introduce legislation

naturalized citizen

approval of presidential treaties and appointments

2 years

(I will try to write down my short answers, change them into your own words because teachers check the websites, and i got called out for plagiarism. )

this might help