A beautiful world blossoms in my heart,

It rises and sprouts, a luminous start.

This world is completely of my opinion,
It becomes a truly defiant dominion.

The people are very loving here.
I hold this world near and dear.

No wars or disputes ever take place,
No discrimination against any race.

No famine nor poverty,
Not a single oddity.

No injustice to see,
No one can bother me.

In my world everything's good as gold,
Not too hot nor too cold.

There's just one thing missing.
-It's not existing.

Anything to change?

Also, I don't know what title to use. I was thinking something like "A better world" or "My world" or something..

Sounds very good, I think "A Better World" would be the best title to go with.

Maybe remove the apostrophe after, "No injustice to see."

Thanks, Heyo!

In your beautifully envisioned world, it seems like you have created a perfect utopia where harmony and love abound. However, you mentioned that there is one thing missing - something that does not exist. Let's explore this further and consider what changes could be made to fill this void.

To begin, it is important to recognize that even in the most idyllic worlds, certain aspects might still need improvement or alteration. Sometimes, challenges or imperfections can provide opportunities for growth and development.

To identify what specifically might be missing in your world, it could be helpful to reflect on your own desires and values. Ask yourself: What do I find fulfilling? What experiences or relationships would enhance my sense of belonging or purpose?

Additionally, consider engaging with others and seeking diverse perspectives. Meaningful connections with individuals who have different backgrounds, beliefs, and experiences can bring depth and richness to your world.

You may also want to explore new experiences and ideas beyond the scope of your current world. Step outside your comfort zone, try new things, and embrace change. This can often lead to personal growth and the discovery of new passions or interests.

Ultimately, the aim is to continuously evolve and adapt your world to align with your evolving needs and aspirations. Through introspection, openness to different perspectives, and a willingness to embrace change, you can create a world that is not only beautiful but also a true reflection of your desires and values.